Wednesday, November 3, 2010

40 More Facts About Our Life In Chennai, India—Plus a Giveaway!

A few weeks ago we posted “50 Facts about Chennai” (which you can read here if you missed). Well, we’ve been here a while longer now, and we are always learning or noticing interesting things about this place, so we thought we would do another one.

51. Road and lane direction are not set in stone. One of the roads I take to work is two ways most of the time, but one way in the morning and early evening.

52. Stoplights often have timers that count down how long a light will remain green or red.

53. This seems like a good idea, but everyone here starts going on red once it the time gets down to 5 seconds.

54. Traffic cops are often in the middle of the roads directing traffic even when there are stoplights.

55. Policemen here all have the exact same mustache. We joke about it being a requirement to be a cop because we have yet to see one without it.

56. Traffic cops pull people over by waving them to the side of the road.

57. We know this because our driver in Delhi (not Rama) ran a red light, and we got pulled over (oops).

58. India is a very overcrowded country.

59. This overcrowding spills over into customer service too. Grocery stores the size of an AM/PM will often have about 12 employees working and offering to help you find something.

60. Even automatic ticket machines in parking garages have someone standing there to press the button and hand you your ticket.

61. The overcrowding causes people here to have no concern for personal space.

62. In a line it is common for a man to be standing directly behind us pressing up against us. Not out of any strange intentions but simply because of lack of the sense of personal space.

63. There is a sign on the elevator at Amnet’s offices that says only 8 people to an elevator.

64. I’ve been in that elevator with 12 people.

65. It is common to see men holding hands or walking with their arms around each other.It doesn’t mean anything. They are just very comfortable showing physical affection here with each other.

66. However, it is not common to see men and women (especially older) holding hands or showing public displays of affection.

67. Most marriages in India are still arranged, although that is starting to change in the bigger cities.

68. Marriages that are not arranged are called “love marriages”.

69. Our Driver in Delhi was very curious about how marriage works in America. He seemed shocked to find out that virtually no one practice arranged marriages.

70. Different trees are in bloom and flowering all year round as create more color and beauty to this place we call home.

71. There are three seasons in India: Hot, Hotter, and Rainy.

72. We are currently in the monsoon season (October and November), although it hasn’t been too bad yet.

73. Chennai has the best tropical storms. When the lightning is far away it will flash several bright flashes in a row like a strobe light. When it is close the streaks are visible and the thunder is instantaneous and deafeningly loud.

74. Apparently, it is not required to turn off your car when stopping to fill it up with gas. We have seen several cars with their engines running while their gas was being pumped.

75. When someone dies there is no embalmment. They are laid in a glass coffin and wrapped in some sort of thin paper like tissue paper that covers their neck down to their ankles.

76. We know this because we were stopped in traffic next to one of these dead bodies.

77. For the funeral the streets are filled with a huge procession of drummers and dancers in a parade and petals are flown into the air.

78. Hindus are usually then cremated (more than one body at a time) and then the ashes are spread in gardens and in the local rivers.

79. It is strange being minorities and also tourists while living here. We are usually stared at wherever we go.

80. We also get many requests for pictures. It seems like locals take more pictures of us than we do of them.

81. Obama is currently visiting India, but not Chennai. He is only going to Delhi and Mumbai.

82. Indians follow American politics a lot more than we follow anything in India.

83. The front page of The Hindu’s (one of India’s biggest national newspapers) website today: “Republicans take House”.

84. Trash build up is also a problem in India both in and outside the city.

85. There are some very pretty looking forested areas, but the ground is still covered with garbage.

86. We often see wild pigs, stray goats, or even cows eating the garbage in the forests or on the side of the road.

87. Public urination is not really frowned upon here. We see men peeing on the side of the streets all the time.

88. People here prefer to drink room temperature water because they think cold water will make them sick.

89. People also often drive without headlights or turn them off at stoplights because they think it will save gas.

90. Our driver in Delhi told that Hinduism is the best religion because they get to choose their own god. In other words they have a lot of gods but they can choose which one they are most devout to.

That last one is especially sad, but we love it here regardless and are having the time of our lives soaking it all in. This place and the people here certainly have their quirks, but all in all it is fabulous, and we are loving the process of learning and growing and the adventure that each day brings.

- Miles and Jenny


Well it is November! And you know what that means! It's Giveway time, as promised! One lucky commenter on this post will come away with a secret surprise gift from India. So comment away!!

The winner will be announced on DIWALI ~Friday, November 5th (your time).

Good Luck and have a great day!*******************************************************************


  1. While I can't imagine being in an arranged marriage, I love the name of "love marriages." It is especially meaningful these days! :) I hope you guys are doing well! We miss you!

  2. Wow you being there is so cool because not only are you learning things but you are sharing them with us and we are learning things as well..

    Interesting they follow our politics so closely

    and arranged marraiges huh... I've always wondered how exactly that would work and feel..


    Thanks for sharing!

  3. i've heard it said by an indian man "here in america a man marries the woman he loves. in india a man loves the woman he marries." interesting perspective that would probly do us all some good!
    btw... have you guys seen outsourced? i don't know if it'd be showing there yet, it just started this season. but, i think of you two every time i watch it! (its about an american man working in india at a novelty telecommunication place... its funny)
    miss you guys!!!!

    lil kyle

  4. Ok you said the winner would be anounced on DIWALI I have no idea what that means. I am guessing it is an acrinim? I'm glad you guys are still having fun there! What a awesome experience.
    Everyone else seems to be commenting on arranged marraiges, I don't think it would be so bad. I think I could love just about anyone if I spent enough time with them.
    I guess I'm the weird one! Oh well
    Thanks for more insight into a country that I really know nothing about.

  5. ok my personal favorite, aside from the arranged marriages, was the one about leaving the car running while pumping gas...AAACKK! That just seems like an accident waiting to happen. Which also brings me to the question of...are you trying to assimilate with the culture & leaving your car running too?!?! ;o}

  6. I love that they turn off their car headlights in order to "save" gas.

    It is so sad about their religious beliefs. My heart breaks for them.

  7. A girl I went to school with said that she moved from India to America because of the culture, arranged marriages and she wouldn't have been able to go to school there. Her parents were very upset with her choice, but she married a nice man, was working towards a degree and seemed to have adjusted well.

  8. Ok, the fact that they turn their lights off to save gas cracks me up! Also, I had some students last year from napal that wouldn't drink cold milk or water either because it was cold. His parents actually called me to tell me that he couldn't drink it that way becasuse it would make him sick. Interesting cultural difference there!

  9. I just realized how messed up it is that I've just now discovered your blog. that is ridiculous. well i am now all caught up on 90 facts about india, and am checking out photos. I would really love to visit you guys, but that opportunity is looking more and more unlikely. Good to hear things are going well and you're handling the cultural differences alright.

  10. I just love "living" in India through your eyes!You are very gifted with your writing, I can almost smell the smells, see the people etc. Keep writing!! :) Debby Baron

  11. Hey Miles and Jenny! Love all of the India facts. Cultures are so interesting...particularly being stopped in traffic next to a dead body and trying to avoid seeing people urinate in the street. Hmmm...
    I am quite envious of those thunder storms though! Miss you guys!
    Darryl and Carissa Krause

  12. Thanks for once more sharing lots of fun and interesting facts about India. It helps us feel a little closer to you from across the world. Praying for you and missing you like crazy.
    Rebecca Hansen

  13. What a privilege it is to experience India with the two of you! I love your outlook on everything. The only thing I really ever knew about India was the overcrowding so I appreciate the detail and interactions you share. God's timing is perfect and He is using you for His glory whether you think so or not! ;)Miss you Jenny!

  14. Very interesting, thanx for sharing. Jennifer, I had no idea you were over there for a year, that's so exciting!

  15. Hey Jenny..this is Michelle and Marvin :) love those lists...totally hilarious! I am getting to see India through your eyes sinece I never got to go...maybe someday! Miss you!! Love, M & M

  16. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Timers chennai
