Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ament Company Picnic

After the Lazy Saturday festivities, came a day chalked full of crazy business. Isn’t that how life is though? It was all good things. The company we are consulting for, Amnet, threw their version of the Annual Company Picnic today and oh my goodness was it FULL! It was held a nearby beach resort we had never been to before. It was called Blue Lagoon Beach Resort and located on the ECR Road very close to home. It was not nearly as nice as Ideal beach but the facility was nice and so much closer I think we will frequent it often.

It was a big event...Amnet has a staff of over 1000 employees (about 400 of which work on Logos projects). We were invited to come as well, and we felt very honored to join in. The festivities began at 9:30am and started off with breakfast. There were magic shows and silly elementary age style games, dance competitions, and much business since there were so many people to entertain.

Join in we did. Sometimes without a choice. During the magic show Miles was called on stage to “assist” the magician in a very cool rope cutting trick. Hearing his name called (“Can Mr. Miles come up?”) he laughed and like a good sport went on up there and did a great job.
The championship and third place cricket games were held in the afternoon and lasted for hours! Miles' team was playing in the championship game, and he was really looking forward to… It was incredibly hot and I was wearing more of a traditional outfit in my shalwar kameez and dupatta which is a long shawl/scarf that is a symbol of modesty in South Asian dress. I was HOT! And for those of you who know anything about cricket the matches last a very long time. Miles did wonderfully.After some amazing defensive plays the Amnet Super Kings pulled ahead to win the match and become the undefeated first place Champions! Miles team had not lost one game and the winning moment was actually eerily similar to a moment straight out of the World Series or something and watching it happen was a moment of swelled up pride. It was awesome.

Notice the leafy pom poms that the guys made?

The team was waiting for one more catch of the ball to storm the field in victory dances and clobber each other to the ground in excitement.

That is exactly what happened.

Screaming, Yelling, high fives, and hugs it was just like in the movies when a team wins the final game! Incredible moment. My favorite was when they all grabbed hands and danced in a large circle in the middle of the field. It was so funny and their joy was so infectious.Following the game we scarfed down some lunch of Rice, dahls, and lots of pollata bread and cold refreshing water before the award ceremonies began. The place was all a buzz with the winning team and the white guy they call “Mr. Miles” who assisted them to victory. They were so respecful for Miles for playing with them and entering their ‘world’. Little do they know Miles as he is always willing to get involved in a sport and he excels in most. His great competitive nature drove those guys hard and they were thrilled. Every time he hit the field they would stand up and cheer loudly and make a huge point to be very welcoming and encouraging!

The award ceremony was no different. He went up with the team onto the huge decorated stage when they made the announcement. Confetti blew everywhere, fancy gold metals were handed out to each of the players, and there was wild cheering and whistling as the entire place erupted in excited energy. They handed Miles the large trophy which he held up high and the place erupted again.

Sorry this pic is so dark. The sun was going away for the day and it was difficult to get a good shot.

Then the dancing started (a very cultural thing). I could not see anything as all the people on stage surrounded each other and while each one held the trophy they did a dance accompanied by some incredibly loud music. So wished I could have seen that dance. There were some very shy female employees that know Miles sitting in front of me that could see a little better than I could. When he was holding the trophy about 6 of them whistled really loud and then buried their heads in their dupattas in complete bashful embarrassment. It was the cutest thing! Loved it! I will smile on that one for a long time. Miles was awarded with a certificate along with his gold medal. Pretty exciting stuff, wouldn't you say?

The executives and Amnet employees did a wonderful job of putting on this event and while Miles was uncomfortable being the center of attention through many of the events, we both felt so loved and it was their way of showing us love and respect . It felt good to be “IN” with the employees and share in their special day...such an honor.



  1. How cool!!! Love, love love your stories! I could just picture you sitting there in the heat...uggg...and Miles's victory!! What a great, memorable day :) The excitement just leaps off the page in to my heart!! <3

  2. Love the pictures and stories. Miss you guys. Thanks for the updates.
    Love Rhonda

  3. What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it!

  4. Auntie Linda checking in. Finally catching up with your commentary and beginning to picture and understand your time there. I am thrilled for you and thankful for the blog recording of it. The images are exceptional. Love to you and Miles.

  5. If you guys planning for picnic for this year then go which Travel Themes at Tarkarli beach you can enjoy lots..
